Silly Java and Silly Python

Afsal Thaj
3 min readJun 11, 2021


This is a blatant copy of Atlassian’s

You can jump into below snippet and understand what’s the issue, and choose to skip rest of the blog.

public class Silliness {  public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, String> mapp = new HashMap<>();
mapp.put("afsal", null);
.map(mapp::get).map(String::toUpperCase)); // works but wrong
.map(v -> mapp.get(v).toUpperCase())); // fails, but right

An FP enthusiast may say, java.Optionaldoesn’t follow Functor law, while it inherently tried to become a Functor . === compose f)

How about in Scala (and other comparatively better languages) ?

Well the answer is if null is considered a value (may be for some legacy/bad reasons), then Some(null) is possible in Scala, unlike Java, and thereby holding on to the above law. PS: Avoid nulls as much as possible.

There is something more to this, than being “sadly” happy about that NullPointerException. The question “Can NullPointerException happen in Scala too”?

Answer is Yes, but hardly seen. The reason, conceptually is, Scala is that language where it forces you as much as it can to pull you out from doing the wrong thing. In other words, if you begin on the right track (Example: use Option ), then you end up in the right track due to a strong compiler being your companion.

Show me code yeah?
The exact code copy paste of Java code doesn’t compile in Scala.

val map: Map[String, string] = Map() // Just nothingSome("afsal").map(v => map.get(v).toUpperCase) 
// Compile failure, coz map.get(v) returns an Option, and it is!
// This leads a developer to do the following
Some("afsal").flatmap(v => map.get(v)).map(_.toUpperCase)

Due to a variety of similar behaviour of functions in Scala, the very possibility of Map("afsal"->null) hardly occurs. If you are used to the “real”/”lawful” map and flatMap in Scala, then you hardly create a NullPointerException too. Just because the language is better, we sort of became a reliable developer too.

This is exactly that small edge that we always see amongst developers who are complaining about language semantics and sounding over-opinionated with FP languages. Most of these developers are just productively lazy as they want the compiler forcing them at an early stage to do the right thing at their workplace.

Now you can ask “what if I am that inexperienced developer with Scala language, and used map(v) instead of map.get(v) ?”. Well the answer, is you still don’t get a NullPointerException— instead you get a NoSuchElementException, and you know what exactly happened!

End of the day, those stupid snippets above can be mapped to a bigger picture — such as folding over a stream of transactions based on a particular field called “account-balance” and not always the account balance exists in the stream and if your fold logic has a Java Optionaland subsequent map usages, then you sort of see the implications.

Why Python now from no-where?

For self satisfaction.

Python returns None if it doesn’t know anything. It can even return 1in if branch and None in elsebranch. How about that?

I know there are no types. Ok, then what is this None for ? Is it “trying” to represent the absence of something?

To be fair, Python can be useful in many places and is undoubtedly one of the most popular languages, but let’s don’t squeeze it in for anything and everything and over-advocate it.

It is a language that is (deceivingly) simple (opposite of complex) to make it work, but hard (opposite of easy) to make it work reliably.

I was motivated to write this blog due to dozens of bugs I created when writing Java and Python due to the exact two reasons mentioned above. May be that I need more experience…

Cheers and let’s try writing good software!



Afsal Thaj
Afsal Thaj

Written by Afsal Thaj

A software engineer, traveller,hiker, skydiver and I write at times.

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